Reading Series

UnAmerican Activities 4

Part of the UnAmerican Activities series »

The fourth unAmerican Activities event happened on Sunday, November 17th, with live audiences in New York (Page22) and Cambridge (Judith E Wilson Drama Studio), and was also broadcast on WKCR FM New York (89.9FM, and online here: a few weeks later. The readers were Allen Fisher (Cambridge) and Steve McCaffery (New York). Ken Edwards and Peter Jaeger contributed short essays on the two poets for the series' pamphlet.

All the media below are MP3 sound files unless indicated otherwise.

Allen Fisher

Steve McCaffery

Luke McMullan

Sophie Seita

  • Introduction to UnAmerican Activities 4
  • Use the player to listen to Introduction to UnAmerican Activities 4

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    Archive of the Now Icon Download the podcast of Introduction to UnAmerican Activities 4