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Ian Brinton

Ian Brinton


I studied for a degree in English at Gonville & Caius College, Cambridge. After a One-Year PGCE I taught in Secondary schools for 37 years.  Most of my work consists of translating poetry from French, editing books about contemporary British poetry and reviewing for magazines including The London Magazine, PN Review, Tears in the Fence. I co-edit SNOW and Tears in the Fence and am on the committee running the Modern Poetry Archive at the Cambridge University Library.





  • Poetry translations: Poems of Philippe Jaccottet (Oystercatcher Press, 2016); Ponge, (Oystercatcher Press, 2015);  Poems of Yves Bonnefoy, 2 vols. (Oystercatcher Press, 2013)
  • Books edited: Selected Poems & Prose of John Riley, (Shearsman Books, 2016); For the Future, a festschrift for J.H. Prynne (Shearsman Books, 2016); Free Verse and Formal Restraint, (Shearsman Books, 2015); ‘An intuition of the particular’, some essays on the poetry of Peter Hughes, (Shearsman Books, 2013);‘Thrills and Frills’, selected prose of Andrew Crozier, (Shearsman Books, 2013); An Andrew Crozier Reader, (Carcanet Press, 2012); A Manner of Utterance, The Poetry of J.H. Prynne, (Shearsman Books, 2009)
  • Books written: Infinite Riches, Dulwich College Poets, 2016; Brontë’s Wuthering Heights, A Reader’s Guide, (Continuum/Bloomsbury, 2010); Contemporary Poetry: Poets and Poetry since 1990, (Cambridge University Press, 2009); Dickens’ Great Expectations, A Reader’s Guide, (Continuum/Bloomsbury, 2007)


Sample Text

Lodging lightly in air we inhabit a high house
carved and partitioned by light and space;
its clarity upon occasion obliterates the years
as we soar through ensuing open doors of sky.



Ian Brinton’s rendition of Jaccottet’s claim from A Temp (or airy) occupant perhaps discloses the heart of these exact and exquisite translations”--Kelvin Corcoran

“With freshness and economy Ian Brinton sets up house within the shell of Ponge, animating its contents with swift, resonant touches, lending the perishable a kindred tongue”--William Fuller

A Manner of Utterance, edited by Ian Brinton, gives a more generous and accurate picture of how and why people read Prynne; it is a collection of appreciative pieces about Prynne’s work, many by artists, musicians and non-academic readers, explaining what it is that draws them to these strange and beguiling poems.”--Robert Potts, T.L.S.


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