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Lisa Jeschke and Lucy Beynon
Lisa Jeschke and Lucy Beynon have been making theatre together since 2007. They live and work in Cambridge and London and are, separately and together, involved in running MATERIALS (poetry publishers' and reading series in Cambridge) and the Non-Threatening Theatre Events in Tottenham.
Recorded at QMUL 2014
This recording was made in the recording studio at Queen Mary University of London by Alastair Roberts on 23 June 2014.
David Cameron: a theatre of knife songs
[Lisa Jeschke & Lucy Beynon]
- Song Seven
Sorry, this recording cannot be found. - David Cameron
Sorry, this recording cannot be found. - I love female night shift workers
Sorry, this recording cannot be found.
Dead Cheap
[Lisa Jeschke]
- Know Death Know-How
Sorry, this recording cannot be found. - Manning
Sorry, this recording cannot be found. - Services on Offer
Sorry, this recording cannot be found. - Might
Sorry, this recording cannot be found. - Bar
Sorry, this recording cannot be found. - Great Times of Great Clarity
Sorry, this recording cannot be found. - HORROR
Sorry, this recording cannot be found.
High Impact Middle Management Song
[Lucy Beynon]
- High Impact Middle Management Song
Sorry, this recording cannot be found.
The Dictionary of Theatre
[Lisa Jeschke & Lucy Beynon]
- Concrete Feet
Sorry, this recording cannot be found. - Stress
Sorry, this recording cannot be found. - Twenty-Pound Note
Sorry, this recording cannot be found.
The English Patient Lists: Childhood, Youth, Perfection
[Lisa Jeschke]
- The English Patient Lists
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- Lisa Jeschke & Lucy Beynon: john hurts [from idiot]; he's dead / he's dead / i've shot him in the head; Terrorism; Proclamation to the Nation: three songs to a minor, including a video in MATERIALS # 2 [The Theatre Issue!] (Cambridge: MATERIALS, 2013)
- Lisa Jeschke & Lucy Beynon: David Cameron [a theatre of knife songs] (Cambridge: Shit Valley, 2014)
- Lisa Jeschke: Dead Cheap (Cambridge: Face Press, 2014)
Sample Text
I love female night shift workers
They quote quote are exposed to the deterioration of character, arising from their loss of self-respect unquote unquote. Strength of language varies directly with deterioration of character in that as one's bodily commitment increases, as you spend more blood on keeping someone else's private pension wet with it, the language which is summoned to stem and then counter that blood loss must strengthen. When this organised country rips your heart out of your chest and uses it to supplement his own beating campaign for flesh, THEN WHAT IS AN OBJECTION TO STRONG LANGUAGE? In the face of that act Fuck the man that does that. Fuck him not with the tenderness of parodic loving sex play, but fuck him like they say Dworkin thought every fuck fucked. Fuck him in the face that soft-powered poverty into itself. Fuck him in the hands that write the speeches, fuck him in the fleshless mouth that speaks them. Rip him a cunt of his own invention and let him see how that compares to a cunt of human flesh, loudly throbbing. Fuck his gash. It's nothing like mine. He has sorely misunderstood. And to call for calm, for gentler terms, is cultural Cameron.
(extract from the theatre piece 'David Cameron')
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