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Alan Hay


73 Cobden Road, Brighton on June 1st 2012

  • random events cluster
    Sorry, this recording cannot be found.
  • the dogs don't know it's a film
    Sorry, this recording cannot be found.
  • welcome home rare birds
    Sorry, this recording cannot be found.
  • the thrush calls a stranger into decline
    Sorry, this recording cannot be found.
  • living room [for Lisa Mundy]
    Sorry, this recording cannot be found.
  • five sonnets called summer
    Sorry, this recording cannot be found.
  • faint pavement stars: a horoscope
    Sorry, this recording cannot be found.

The Disco Odes

  • Ode Bohannan
    Sorry, this recording cannot be found.
  • Error Ode Sylvester
    Sorry, this recording cannot be found.
  • Ode San Fran
    Sorry, this recording cannot be found.
  • Summer Ode
    Sorry, this recording cannot be found.
  • Jump Ode
    Sorry, this recording cannot be found.
  • Rain Ode
    Sorry, this recording cannot be found.
  • Ode Drinks for Light
    Sorry, this recording cannot be found.
  • Ode Flamingo
    Sorry, this recording cannot be found.

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